No one tells you once you get older that you have the potential of having all these various things wrong in your body without knowing an exact cause.
Battling my gut health has been a long process and ever since I can remember my poor digestive system has had trouble with breaking down food into waste and thus bloating me to where I look like I'm about to pop. We've all been there where we go to a family doctor just to be told there is nothing wrong with us or that we need to change "x,y, and z" without little effect and I feel you on that frustration.
I have taken it upon myself to research more about gut health and found some tips and tricks that can cause those pesky bloating and constipation symptoms. The health of your gut has also been connected to your mental health so if you're experiencing anxiety or depression, look toward potential gut issues.
For starters, prescribed medications such as antidepressants, pain relievers, and one in which I have found is an issue for me is birth control. These medications can have a severe impact on how your body metabolizes food and can often times dehydrate you. That pesky birth control pill is a catch 22 for me because in a way I know that I need it however it has done nothing but cause me problems except get me pregnant.
If those things aren't a worry for you, some other sneaky causes of bloating are:
- Intolerances to certain food groups
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Not eating enough fiber
- Eating too fast
- Too much sodium, or fast foods
- Artificial Sweeteners such as sucrose, aspartame and sucralose
If you're experiencing symptoms related to bloating and constipation I would suggest keeping track of what you are consuming on a daily basis in order to eliminate potential causes. No one knows your body better than you!